While in culinary school I took a course on pastry. I grumbled and whined when I saw that pastry was next on my course work. You see as much as I love cooking, baking I can do without. I know, I know, “But what about all the yummy desserts on your site?” you ask….
Millions of Peaches, Peaches for Me
I spent a large portion of my childhood in the great peach state of Georgia, riding my bike all over a military base and enjoying summers with warm peach cobbler a la mode. By 1993 my father had left the military and we were living in a little town called Byron, GA. It was my first experience living…
Sweet Almond Toast with Boozy Cherries
Ever wake up on a Saturday morning wanting to make breakfast for you family but didn’t want to go with the typical humdrum breakfast? Well, I have a treat for you. The best part is that it’s EZ-PEA-Z. Oh, and your family will worship you for it. I know it looks like French toast, but…
Beefsteak Tomato & Watermelon Salad
This is going to be a simple post, a simple stupid post. Why? You ask. Because it’s a simple recipe. My neighbor came over with some home grown beefsteak tomatoes. Big beefy tomatoes, guess that is why they call them beefsteak. I had a piece of a watermelon hanging out in the refrigerator, it…
Lockhart, TX BBQ: Black’s & Kreuz’
About two years ago, OB and I were sitting on our couch watching TV. I am sure it was one of our less productive days. A trip or two to the kitchen for snacks may have occurred. While we sat there, being as productive as we deemed necessary, OB came across a show about barbecue. I…
Road Blogging: Bolsa in Dallas, TX
Coming to you from a traffic jam on I-35 leaving Waco. *1950s news radio beepy sound playing in background* Travel in general is challenging, traveling by car for 7+ hours with two dogs is probably madness, unless I guess you add 16 kids. OB and I are headed down to Austin, TX for a little get…
A Great Friend
Four years ago you strolled into our yard and into our hearts. Today I must say goodbye. This morning we had our last snuggle, we went for your last walk and you fetched your last ball. I kissed your forehead, said goodbye and watch you drift to sleep. I wish we could have done more…
A Tale of Mondo Grass, Rocks, Holes and Disappearing Water: Part Deux
A Tale of Mondo Grass, Rocks, Holes and Disappearing Water, the saga continues….. The following morning after OB’s first attempt at the water feature in our front garden he noticed that the water level had significantly dropped. Hoping for the best we convinced ourselves that the buckets had simply filled with the water causing it to…
Raspberry & Chocolate Frozen Greek Yogurt Icebox Cake
Yesterday after cleaning my kitchen from top to bottom and starting dinner in a slow-cooker, the plan being to keep my kitchen clean, I was smacked in the noggin with an idea. As I was wiping down the ice cream maker, that my dear friend LT has been gracious enough to allow me to hold hostage, I…
A Tale of Mondo Grass, Rocks, Holes and Disappearing Water
If you follow me on facebook, twitter or instagram you probably saw that OB and I spent this weekend yarding and sweating. (I am aware that yarding isn’t a real word, is a Meseidy’isum…..it’s not a real word, right?) We worked hard leveling, laying out a weed barrier, laying stone and mulching, plus a few other things. But…