So we decided that a podcast would be the perfect excuse to get together, talk about food, and share our love for food with you. The podcast is named My Plate is Always Full. It will have a little food history and science, mixed with a little bit of cooking technique, some food culture, cooking tips, and a sprinkle of inappropriate humor.
Where to Subscribe
Mark your calendars we will be dropping the first three episodes on September 16, 2020. After that, we’ll have a fresh off the griddle episode for you every Wednesday!
You can subscribe right now on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Sticher! You can also subscribe on Overcast, Pocketcast, Castro, and Castbox.
Follow Us
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and our website myplateisalwaysfull.com for updates and send any episode requests to myplateisalwaysfull@gmail.com
Until then here is a sneak peek to our first episode.
Stay hungry!
Looking forward to the pod cast! Have been following you for a few years and Rebecca even longer. Wishing you the best!