Remember that rumor that the weather man started about and epic snow storm that was going to bring us between 6 to 12 inches of snow?
Totally false!
He had no clue what he was talking about.
When we went outside on the day after the “supposed” snow storm it was a sunny and warm 75 degrees.
In fact I decided to lay out for a bit on the front deck with a cool glass of ice tea.
All of the neighborhood kids were playing ball in the streets and riding their bikes.
Obed played fetch with Jake in the front yard. Jake and Obed are best buds.
Okay…okay… it did snow. Boy did it snow!
Our cul-de-sac was blanketed with snow and it looks like out poor neighbor tried to venture out but didn’t get to far.
Obed diligently shoveled the driveway and found a chunk of ice under the snow.
I ventured down towards the pond and suddenly became very grateful that we garage our cars.
I didn’t go all the way down to the edge of the pond for fear of falling into a 3 foot snow drift with my camera. Not good.
When the snow started to come half way up my shines I decided it was time to turn tail and head back home.
All-in-all we measured about 13 inches of snow in the street and about a 2ft snow drift against our garage door. Super fun!
Pretty ready for this to end, really. PLEASE bring on spring! I love Oklahoma summers please.
It was pretty the first day, but now I think I’m done. And they’re saying there’s more to come!
I am getting a little stir crazy. Classes have been cancelled all week and the Husband has my 4×4 SUV to go to work and it is snowing again as I type this. I think I will go in a corner and cry now. :/
Your neighborhood is very pretty! Jakey’s got some snow on his whiskers 😉