I figured I would do an introduction of my kids…..well my kids for now because I have none, they are my dogs. They are the complete opposite from each other.
- Buster
- Buster is a mix of Jack Russell Terrier and Yorkie Terrier and he has all the personality that goes with it.
- His favorite toy is a empty 1 liter bottle of Welch’s Grape Juice, only one he has because it is the only one he has not destroyed.
- He is very vocal and lets you know when he wants something….or doesn’t like something.
- He has 2 sworn nemesisses, Chip and Dale, the squirrels that live in the front and back yard.
- He smashes his face into the window and sliding glass door frequently when he sees Chip or Dale on the other side.
- He steals things if you don’t keep and eye on him.
- When it is time to relax or take a nap he has to be in someone’s lap. When it is time to go to bed, he has to be on the bed and don’t try to move him because he is just dead weight.
- When it is time to get up it is usually at 6 am and he wakes you up with a high pitch whine.
He knows all of his commands and takes them pretty well, although he has his moments.
- He stares you down with his bottle in his mouth, when he wants to play and is an expert at keep away.
- His best friend is my Husband.
- He barks at the tv when another dog or animal is on it, jumps up on it and sometimes shuts if off. Then he is confused as to where the dog went.
- Things you that make him go psycho: say, “Who’s there?” & knocking on the table.
- Favorite hiding place, under the bed.
- Honey is a mix of Chow Chow and Corgie.
- She is sweet and cuddly, not nearly as challanging has her brother. She does no wrong.
- Her favorite toy is a sock. She tosses it in the air and lays down with it. If Buster approaches her to try and take it, she let him have it.
- She is dog aggressive when on a leash.
- She is opportunistic, she lunges on Buster when he is not looking or when the Hubby or I are holding him.
She hunts house flies. She become entranced and chases them around the house, leaping into the air and from the bed trying to catch them.
- She is very independent, is happy when you pet her and then goes about her business.
- She follows me to the bathroom every time and if I don’t let her in she waits at the door.
- She is prissy, she does not like wet grass or the outdoors in general.
- When it is time for bed she starts in the bed and then goes to the floor.
- When it is time to get up she waits for you to get up, has not interest in going out at 6 am with her brother, especially since the grass is still wet at that time. She greets you in the morning with a worm squirm and a nuzzle in bed.
- She if very playful and enjoys body slamming Buster.
- Her favorite spot in the house on the closest piece of tile, where ever we are.
- She has an odd habit of biting the carpet…..don’t ask me why.
- I am her best friend and she hangs with me when in the kitchen.
- Favorite hiding play is the closet in the 3rd bedroom.
- Jake weights 78 pounds.
- He is obssest with his rubber ball.
- Hubby plays fetch with him, he will go until he is exhausted.
- He rubs his butt against the sofa to pet himself.
- He runs himself under you leggs to pet himself.
- He is the most docile of my 3 dogs.
- He practically swallows his food whole.
- He is a whiner.
- He follows me everywhere around the house and is always in the way.
- He cannot walk on a leash.
- He does not run away.
- Jake is a very, very sweet boy.
awwww your dogs are adorable!!!
i really laughed at “He rubs his butt against the sofa to pet himself”! hahahaah! clever!
i also think that honey is such an unusual and beautiful mix!
and buster… hahaha. i have two terriers! they are the best! i especially loved your story of him locking you out of the car!
Oh they are precious! Great photo you got of Jake — what a perfect moment!